Sunday, August 15, 2004

Justice is blind ask the DC sniper

Justice is blind; she carries a sword and a scale.

The current U.S. adult correctional population reached a record high according to CNN. According to this report, 6.6 million men and women were incarcerated at the end of 2001. With an increase of 147,000 from the year 2000. We have no room for these two bothers, they must be executed. Sure ya right.

Am I right? No, I am wrong. I am so wrong that I should ask all those so-called Christians in the land of the free and the brave, are you really a Christian? Are you really an American? Or better yet, what is American? And where do we place our values and our beliefs? Are we not hypocrites and parasites caught in a tangled web of misinformation and miseducation, over weight and under nourished, happy with our false sense of superiority and nuclear proliferation. These brothers will pass.

What I worry most about is our growing lack of brotherhood, and our inability to reach out and help the most in need. People we are falling short in this nation. Many of you may look at this as a joke, a riddle or a puzzle. But people, we are on a collision course with anarchy and despair without recourse. All great civilizations come to a close. Look it up. Why aren’t we listening to each other anymore? We can talk all day, Oprah, Dr. Phil, Jerry Springer, Jenny Jones, everybody has a talk show! Rush and the O’Reilly factor from the right or so called right, to Imus and Dan Rooney. Most of us love our country dearly; we would die to defend our rights. Our Patriots resemble the American spectrum, coming from wide views of ideologies and politics and economies. But we must be careful. We must not pre-judge, we must not guess, we must separate fact from fiction, and most of all we must be conscious at all times of subliminal propaganda and dereliction of truth. These brothers will receive the full extent of the law. No doubt.
You do not maim and kill a human being in the state of Virginia. The commonwealth does not play that. You will be punished to the full extent of the law. The commonwealth is second only to Texas in handling its business with murderers. So, all of you out their wishing for these brothers to hang by tomorrow. They will. Trust me.

But the issue is larger than just an eye for an eye or in this case two for ten. Let ask ourselves this. Why do we continue to let our system fail? Why do we accept these aberrations in our American society? Do we not profess these Judeo-Christian values and place them as our center piece to our Americanisms? Our penny says “e pluribus Unum”; do you know what that means? It means, out of many, one. Many cry foul, the blacks, the Hispanics, the whites (Scottish, Anglo, Saxon, Irish, German, and Franco) origins European, the Asians, the islanders. There are only three races of mankind, Mongoloid, Negroid, and Caucasoid. So lets not go their. Why do we fail to understand the world in which we live? A world that is changing, a country that is changing and evolving into a free spinning, sputtering mess of chaos and clutter. I ask you, can you make a change? A change to speak to your neighbor, a change to better identify with your world. Can you make a change today? A change to understand our fellow brethren, thru interfaith, thru open-ness. The “macho” stance will only continue to deprive our citizens of a true democracy. But has this ever been a democracy? Have gun will travel. Is it not a republic? Isn’t our history as nation full of examples and creations similar to the heinous acts committed by these brothers? Do we not continue to talk out the side of our necks, say one thing and do the other, and then profess our love of God and Country? A good many men and women gave their lives for our freedoms and liberty. To be able to express ourselves, and believe in what we choose to believe in and to think any way we damn well please. Men and women of European and African origin, from all over the globe contributed to the American ideal. So, can you make a change today? Can you dig deep inside that programmed psyche and make a change today? Can you extend your hand, your knowledge, your experience, your wisdom and make a change today? When you see a wrong can you step up? Why does it always end in some one losing their job, their marriage, their business, their children, their health, their sanity, their dreams, their
Innocence? That’s what I am charging you with America. Our inner-city public schools are dysfunctional, without the help of corporate America in some cases totally unmanageable. Our marriages in this country, the bedrock of our society, our foundation for the formulations of family at best have a 50/50 chance. Our youth are drug plagued, or over exposed and under pressure to succeed from aggressive and competitive middle to upper middle class parents, the best schools, my child must do it all, at all costs. Our homes have become huge mini mansions in suburban America, equipped with everything to supply a third world nation, and a gate and cameras to keep out the unwanted. Our very faiths are challenged; we continue to question what is of value? Among us, there are those that believe it’s their way or the highway! But our world is changing. It is a much more inclusive and demanding country and world. The people want their influence herd and when no one is listening, be he or she of whatever persuasion, they try to reach out. And sometimes when they aren’t being herd, they commit violence and they kill other people. And we see this happen continuously throughout our history, be it political or sociopath. So, can you make a change today? We have all these wonderful freedoms, and we forget that freedom is not free. You don’t need to be to the right or left of the political continuum to understand that. Once in this country another man could hold and sell other human beings as slaves, strictly economics. Once in this realm women could not vote, strictly sexism. Once in this country men and women of African origin could not eat or sit next to or be educated or live next to a Caucasian person or person of European descent, once in this country each colony did its own thing, under the rule of a King. There were Dutch colonies, English colonies, Spanish colonies, Portuguese colonies and penal colonies. Once again our country is changing. Our population is more yellow and brown, the roles of women are expanding, our youth ever more challenged and frightened. Our country is entering a new millennium. Still carrying baggage from the last century. Still searching for itself and confused as ever, still pretending and in full denial of its role in the world.

Things we can’t do anymore. We can’t lock up everybody. We can’t edify a few and leave the rest ill-equipped to face the future. We can’t dismiss the hurt and pain we may have caused others directly or indirectly. We can’t simulate to be citizen-passives, but citizen activist. After all it was good truck driver who made the right call. We can’t judge people and have them guillotined or hung; people have a right to be herd, we can’t pre-judge anyone. We can’t defend our interests all over the globe all the time, especially when its none of our business anyway. We can’t require persons around the world to like us when we don’t even like ourselves. We can’t consume and throw away everything just because we have it like that. We can’t burn petrol for another 100 years just because its convenient. We can’t just shove our elderly into retirement farms and hope that they’ll disappear. We are growing older, but we don’t have any common sense.

We can’t expect everyone to respect the use of a firearm or weapon, when we continue to lock up more people than any other country in the world other than South Africa. We can’t continue to be arrogant and ignorant and less tolerant of one another. We can’t continue to believe that our entertainment community can work outside, while polluting us on the inside with concealed messages and disrespecting us and our families. We can’t rule the world and then blow up some ones home and send them care packages, then slowly let our population become expendable. We shouldn’t rebuild another house when our house as grand as it is, is falling apart. How do we justify that? Isn’t that old school twentieth century thinking? Shouldn’t we be about the business of solutions? Why can’t we come to some sort of resolution with our friends? We don’t practice what we preach very well. And it sets a very bad example. The eyes of the world set her sights to us, and we continue on the path of self destruction, with the healing being hard to expend.

No our country is not perfect, but we can do better. Our companies can do better. Our schools can do better, whether university or elementary. Our citizenry can do better. We all are not super rich and leave this country at a moments notice. We gotta make with what we have. And what we have is a changing country. The faces of prosperity and wealth are changing; the old guard leads to a new. Some do not like this transformation, they will fight it with there lives. Some are intelligent enough to understand that change and transition is good. Justice is blind and she carries a sword and scale, and she is waiting on us to make a change. So, can you make a change in your existence? Some of us get it, a lot of us don’t. The majorities of us don’t get it and wish back to the way it was. Some of us want to keep it going as long as it fits their liking. Some of us believe we are up and above the rest, but like that truck driver in Maryland…we know what we need do to make a contribution, to lend a hand.

Why my brother?

Why my brother? A beef that stretches into terror:

Before the mad Caucasians and those that harbor hate get there thrills over some brothers being tagged as “the boogieman who clipped 10 in dc” get there jollies off. Hold up one minute. This brother is a product of the US of A. Like Dahmer, Manson, McVeigh, Karish and Yates, the son of Sam, the zodiac and on and on, like popcorn. For those who have never been to DC, never been to the East Coast, never knew the drama of MLK and JFK and Malcolm and RFK. For those who still want to rah-rah and mad beat “Islam”, who doesn’t understand the difference between fundamentalists and true believers of “Islam”. Hold up, wait a minute. This brother served 10 years in your ARMY America.
Unfortunately he brainwashed his stepson into these evil beliefs. “But the chickens have come home to roost”. This brother served in the elder bush “Gulf War”. They are sympathizers and apologists for 911. Yes, he lost his mind. I repeat, he lost his mind.
But how can one brother cause so much damage and bring down the entire “Bat Masterson-Wyatt Earp crew”? in conjunction with every Mayberry RFD county police officers between Maryland and Northern Virginia. Either, like Hitler, there is a thin line between evil and genius. Or there is more here than meets the eye. Let us thank the good brother, Chief Moose who received so much hate and drama from America and the press for his diligence. Lets us thank the federals, who despite there history of co-option and crookedness and deceit, captured a most twisted scheme of hate, ever played on America.
Let us thank our “new crisis management politicians”, governor Warner of Va, Glendening of MD, Mayor Williams of DC, the county executives of the jurisdictions involved. As Mayor Giuliani demonstrated during 911, you gotta be cool, when your world is coming apart. And how about a shout out to all the “peace officers” who busted there ass, working from sun up until sundown, until the “fed got there man”. Let us thank all the school administrators, whose true professionalism showed in the face of peril and harm. As a parent, the struggle to keep face in spite of the madness is a true measurement of parental guidance and fortitude. Our faith community was alive with vigor and strength, repeating the message “believe and stand with your maker”. The most damage lies with the families of the victims. This twisted, diabolical scheme to create havoc and fear completed its task. There is nothing America can do, but have faith and pray. Like 911, no money, no glory, no rhyme or reason can bring back a loved one, dear to that family. The trick is not over. There is more here, even if brother did act alone. Did brother really mastermind this entire wicked event? You want good America to believe that the road of terror ends here? No. We must be tolerant of others. We must understand that the world is not our world, and we are not the only chosen people on this planet. Brother was on a mission to distort, confuse and terrorize for whatever reason. Expect to see more lunacy. And for those that have never been to DC, you need to hope that these events don’t reach your little part of the USA. And for those who stand by and pledge to your country, I say remember JFK, RFK, Malcolm and martin and medgar, remember the struggles of a young nation. We should pray for the family in Baltimore, Maryland who didn’t receive bullets from a sniper, but instead were killed by “my brothers”, a family of six murdered by molitif cocktail bomb thrown at a b-more row house from drug gangsters. It didn’t make CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC and all the rest of the story tellers. You see, my brother wouldn’t venture and try his madness in the heart of DC or B-more. They caught him sleeping in B-more. But, he wasn’t about to shoot up the “way”. The “way” is accustomed to mayhem and violence similar to beruit and Vietnam and “the Palestine west bank combined. Momma and daddies and workers and everyday Joes die daily around the “way”. No, the “way” was waiting for his ass. His mission was to scare the other America. The starbuck drinking, outback eating, Michael’s store, hobnob and craft and clubby America. And brother succeeded.
In the New Testament, “Psalms and Proverbs”. From the book of Ephesians.

And grieve not the holy spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:

And be ya kind to one another, tenderhearted. Forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.

Madness at the helm

Madness at the helm

Another presidential race is about to close out and were still debating over the fate and ill will and missed opportunities of the current policies of the current administration. The United States is a divided nation, crushed by the weight of her own arrogance and lacking direction and currently being led by someone who plays cowboy and looks and appears as if he is running the greatest nation on the planet as if it the equivalent of a cruise ship. Let’s lollygag and bullshit. The gap between rich and poor continue to widen, even more since the arrival of the cowboy. The shrinking and subliminal and distraught white middle class is confused, lacking center, looking for answers in popcorn and crackerjack Reality shows presented to us by the corporate media right. An entire cottage industry has sprung as ideologues match wits and ideas against deceit and underhandedness. The creators of all this hate laugh in their sleep. As dumb Americans fall prey to the melodrama political fray of the “good guys” versus the “bad guys”. The problem is that good guys hang with the bad guys, and we can’t really tell apart the good guy from the bad guy. But we do know that concentrated wealth in the hands of a few powerful people is a bad thing. We do know that being rich in America came at the expense of exploitation and disruption and conniving. And once you become rich and I mean “I don’t give a fuck rich”, and have the brains to go with my richness, I can promote, support and convince and contrive enough bullshit to fool even the most well fed, best educated people on the planet earth. And that my friend is what we have deceit and fraud. To think that the grand old party, the republic orchestrates such wicked strategy to organize themselves as soccer moms, country clubians, nascarians, struggling white middle class zealots and professional corporate pirates. Sprinkle a few confused African-Americans of high achievement or jaded patronage or Hispanics not Latinos of Cuban or Mexican origin by roots of Spain. You’ve got division my friends. Not to mention the destructive policies laid out by these “people”, they honest believe they know what’s good for the rest of us. Problem is they don’t. They never have. Their greatest hero Ronald Reagan just died and they used his death to illuminate their status. Well, I never liked John Wayne and no man is a superman or a rich boy trying to be cowboy or flyboy will fool the real people of this country. The Vietnam veterans whose mind and bodies were torn apart the last time we were divided. The world war two vets who saved this country from greater threat than osama and his gang of henchman. The civil rights and human rights people who have led an unwavering battle in the face of hate and prejudice. The white women along with many other who battled for the right to vote. When folks sense the urgency to make a change, we the people make that change. Not the privileged few. And the change will take place this November, when the dumbshit comes to a close.